Kono Koi ni Kiduite The Animation episode 1


In this enchanting story, we follow Tsujinaka-chan, a brave young woman deeply in love with her co-worker, whose also her senpai. When she learns that he’s heartbroken from a devastating breakup, Tsujinaka-chan becomes determined to uplift him and bring back his happiness.

Driven by her unwavering affection, Tsujinaka-chan can’t bear to see senpai in pain anymore. She decides to take matters into her own hands and reveal her true feelings to him. With a courageous heart, she prepares to bring joy and love back into his life.


Convinced that senpai is now open to new possibilities, Tsujinaka-chan takes a bold move. She invites him to a hotel room, hoping that the intimate setting will create the perfect environment for their passionate romance to bloom. This story explores Tsujinaka-chan’s deep love and the journey of two individuals seeking solace and a fresh start amidst heartbreak and emotional turmoil.

Date: September 5, 2023

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