Futsuma Shoujo Charlotte is now fully animated! In a deserted factory on the outskirts of town, a group of people decides to test their courage by exploring the haunted site. Little did they know that they would soon encounter a real malevolent spirit. Just as panic begins to set in, Mizuki Konoe steps forward, transforming into a nun-like figure, ready to face the supernatural threat head-on. Unbeknownst to her peers, Mizuki is no ordinary girl; she is the exorcist known as Charlotte Catherine Krue! As the evil spirits manifest before them, the true mastermind reveals itself – a demonic entity named Melchis. She possesses terrifying powers that she wields with malicious intent. Under Melchis’ control, Mizuki finds herself under attack by her possessed fellows. Stripped of her weapons and unable to resist. Her sacred garments torn and discarded, Mizuki, now vulnerable and exposed. But even so, Mizuki’s spirit remains unbroken, her determination unwavering.
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Episode 01 Hentai 6 days ago Watch Now! |
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