Canzume Collection


Introducing an animated feature inspired by the wildly popular Genshin universe, featuring beloved characters like Faruzan, the fiery twin-tailed tsundere from Sumeru, Collei, a green-tinted version of Lumine, Ei, and Yae Miko, as well as Ganyu, the irresistible goat waifu. This parody is a visual treat with stunning animation and captivating art, along with an array of desirable waifu characters that will make your heart skip a beat.

The story follows Aether on his journey to find his sister, but there’s no specific plot to the story. Along the way, he finds himself constantly surrounded by his growing harem of gorgeous ladies, each of them eager to catch his eye and win his affection. As they encounter various challenges together, Aether can’t help but be drawn in by the alluring charms of his companions.

Date: March 27, 2023

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