Girls Rush episode 2

1. The main character wanted to spend his time with someone, he had a acquintance named Hana who he haven’t met before. She appears as gorgeous woman with twintail hairstyle who’s expert at cooking. However, mc was scared what if this Hana is a scary woman?.

2. Tokiko is clumsy girl, she got caught a flu on the day of school trip. But she doesn’t want to miss her once in a lifetime experience. She forced herself to catches the school trip but she collapsed while on her way. When she awakes, she saw her former classmate’s face, Dai-kun. Dai helped Tokiko who collapsed on the side of the road by sharing his hotel room with her. He doesn’t see her as an attractive woman, but he’s about to learn the true beauty behind Tokiko’s clumsiness

Date: December 27, 2021
Studio: Pink Pineapple

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