The story revolves around Daisuke and his childhood friend, Saya. Now, Daisuke has always been attracted to Saya’s mesmerizing body. Her breasts, big and perky, they’re like a damn magnet, pulling him in. Every time she takes a step, they sway, stirring up a deep desire within him. It’s like he’s under her spell. One night, while lost in thoughts of Daisuke, Saya goes all out in a steamy solo session. And get this, as she pleasures herself, her breasts and nipples grow bigger and more sensitive, responding to her touch. She has no clue that Daisuke has been watching her the whole time, getting more and more turned on by the sight. Daisuke can’t hold back anymore. He gives in to the temptation and approaches Saya
Date: December 10, 2023