Sakusei Byoutou The Animation episode 9


In a world where every type of personality is embodied by the most despicable nurses among the infamous “Three Great Matriarchs,” we encounter Tendou Mia, the final member of the infamous “Three Great Matriarchs” following Numajiri and Kiritani, known for her ultra-eccentric nature. Yamada is at the mercy of Mia’s unpredictable actions and unstable behavior, constantly being tossed around by her whims. However, behind Mia’s extreme tyranny lies the presence of her all-powerful sister, Mako, a figure of absolute authority. An accident destabilizes Mia’s mind, setting off a chain of events that lead to Yamada facing a fierce punishment from the transformed Mako. As the intense retribution unfolds, Yamada is caught in a whirlwind of fear and arousal, unable to escape the terror.

Date: September 5, 2024

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